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Capilla del Señor • Planta industrializadora de Productos Lácteos
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Traceability is a tool to learn about all the elements involved in the development of a product (raw materials, additives, containers, etc.) and all stages which passes through the product (acquisition, collection, production, processing, storage, distribution, etc.).

In the same way that scientists found a chip in the leg or the back of an animal to follow their movements, foodstuffs carrying a traceability system allow producers, manufacturers and health authorities track from its origin until it arrives at the hands of the consumer. Traceability is a system by which to retrieve the history of food, its use and location by registered codes. The aim is to have rapidly information of the alimentary chain, so you can find anomalies in time to discard those products which are out of the standard quality previously set. LacNat products comply with all requirements of a traceable system. This ensures the consumer not only a safe food but with a natural flavor obtained using only the best materials.

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  Avenida Raúl Borras 2500 - (5900) Villa María - Córdoba - Argentina – 电话: 00054 353 410 9080/81/82/83和电子邮件 - lacteoscds@lacteoscds.com.ar